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Module 1: Creating and Sustaining Clinical Services- Integrating Clinical Service into Pharmacy Care
(0.5 contact hours / .05CEU’s)
1. Become familiar with common terminology related to reimbursement for pharmacy services
2. Know how to evaluate the market for value-added pharmacist services
3. Describe some examples of pharmacy services that add value to a healthcare setting
Listing Catalog: WyoLearn
(0.5 contact hours/ 0.05 CEU's) Objectives:
1. Define MTM per Medicare standards
2. Compare different methods in providing medication therapy management
3. Identify ways to expand the provision of MTM services at your institution
Listing Catalog: WyoLearn
(1.0 contact hours/ 0.1 CEU's) Objectives: 1. Understand the role of pharmacists in providing Chronic Care Management 2. Know how to bill CCM codes to Medicare 3. Describe some examples of clinics utilizing CCM as a revenue source.
Listing Catalog: WyoLearn
(0.5 contact hours/ 0.05 CEU's) Objectives:
1. Define MTM per Medicare standards
2. Compare different methods in providing medication therapy management
3. Familiarize yourself with some useful publications to expand the provision of MTM services at your institution
Listing Catalog: WyoLearn
(0.75 contact hours/ 0.075 CEU's) Objectives:
1. Explain the required components of an AWV
2. Differentiate between a Welcome to Medicare, Initial AWV, and subsequent AWV
3. Understand typical benefits for Medicare Part B Wellness Visits versus those covered by Medicare Advantage Plans
4. Describe some examples conducting annual wellness visits that have worked in practice
Listing Catalog: WyoLearn
(0.5 contact hours/ 0.05 CEU's) Learning Objectives:
1. Compare and contrast different ways to approach new potential partners
2. Identify which staff member to approach when selling your services
3. Discuss some strategies that have been successful
Listing Catalog: WyoLearn
(0.5 contact hours/ 0.05 CEU's) Learning objectives:
1. Define Transitional Care Management (TCM) by Medicare Standards
2. Understand the required components that go into TCM billing
3. Compare different methods in providing TCM that have been successful
Listing Catalog: WyoLearn
At the end of the session, participants will receive an increased awareness of the risks for Cardiovascular and Lipid Disease; to enable clinicians to improve client outcomes; and thereby reducing the potential burden of chronic disease in Wyoming.
Listing Catalog: WyoLearn
Learn the key elements team-based care, how to identify team members and incorporate team-based care into the workflows across the continuum of care in and around TCM, CCM, and AWV and the reimbursement opportunities for team-based care that positively affect our practices.
Listing Catalog: WyoLearn
At the end of the course, participants will understand what is required of an organization in order to use the Workshop Wizard software and will be familiar operating in the system. Participants should feel comfortable accessing the website, setting up a new workshop, adding a participant, and entering data related to evidence-based programs.
Listing Catalog: WyoLearn
At the end of the session, participants will understand what is required of an organization in order to use the Workshop Wizard software and become familiar with operating the system. Participants should feel comfortable accessing the website, setting up a new workshop, adding a participant, and entering data related to their evidence-based program.
Listing Catalog: WyoLearn
-Introduction to Cardiovascular Risks
-Treating LDL Goals
-Major CV Risk Factors
-Risk Assessment Tools
-Who Should be Screened
-Treatment Options for Dyslipidemia
Listing Catalog: WyoLearn